Choose your Path….

The Yoga of Ayurveda

For the seasoned yogi and yoga teacher, we will use our yoga to balance constitution. You will feel your imbalances and know how to shift your practice in order to gain balance. This profound journey will deepen your personal practice and guide you to create radical transformation for each of your students. At the intersection of yoga and ayurveda, we have great opportunity for transformation. I hope you’ll join me!


Living Ayurveda

Ready for radical transformation? This path is for you!

We will spend 4 months in close contact, finding the roots of what takes you out of balance, creating habits that are easy to embrace to create optimal health and a positive mind space. We will create your personal daily rituals, dietary plans, mind shifts AND go through a 10 day home cleanse! You will become your own Ayurvedic Practitioner! Like I said, RADICAL TRANSFORMATION! Spaces are limited.


10 Day Ayurvedic Home Cleanse

Step into optimal health with our signature program Our clients report joint pain? Gone. Restless mind? Calm. Loss of vitality? Revitalized. If you are looking for a way to feel ”yourself” again or to prevent from EVER feeling “off”, this one is for you. This is the path to your best self!

Working with Donna and learning how to incorporate the principals of Ayurveda into my life has been a life changing experience in so many positive ways. I lost 5 pounds, my intense knee pain has completely vanished and I feel great. I have learned to see the subtle signs that my body sends me as signals that I can understand and manage
— Laura L

About Donna Papania

Donna is a nationally renowned Ayurvedic Practitioner, Educator and Yoga Instructor of over 20 years. She holds a Master’s degree in Nutrition; Bachelor’s degrees in Nutrition and Exercise Science; is certified e-RYT 500, C-IAYT Yoga Therapist; and is certified Reiki Master and Ayurvedic Energy Point Therapist.  Donna spent 10 years in the desert of New Mexico studying with and working for Dr. Vasant Lad, where she assisted Dr. Lad in the Pancha Karma (Cleansing) Department as his assistant consultant and therapist. She taught Ayurvedic Diet and Lifestyle classes at The Ayurvedic Institute and served as the head of the Ayuryoga department.  She is a mama to three, a beach lover and fully believes:

“We are all just walking each other home.”

- Ram Dass